Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hello, Thursday

Sorry to drop off the face of earth there for a bit! My husband and I had to fly to Turkey on short notice last week for family-related stuff, and we just landed back in L.A. last night. I've been up since 5 this morning and I'm kinda whacked out on jetlag, but I'm counting on my friend coffee to help me make it through the day. MAN did my own bed feel great last night.

As the end of October rolls around, I'm seeing a lot of chatter on blogs and Twitter about NaNoWriMo. I've never done it myself, and I think I've made my feelings pretty clear about it being the Wrongest Month of the Year for a writing challenge. I mean, who has time in November?? Anyway, I *was* actually considering it for this year, since it sounds kinda fun and I had a new idea I was mulling over, but that project is going back in the steaming drawer for further marination and future exploration. Also--big surprise--November is going to be super busy, with a long-discussed vacation that may possibly still happen during the first week (I know, STAY PUT ALREADY. It's hard.), and family coming to stay with us for the second half of the month. So I'll be using my spare moments for plotting and planning and scrawling and scribbling, but it won't be too different from my usual schedule.

How about you--are you planning to NaNo your heart out this year?


  1. Who flies to Turkey on short notice??? LOL. Amazing, Rachel. :)

    The jet lag sounds horrible---but I am a fan of NaNo! I work well with deadlines ;)

    1. The daily word count goal seems to work best for me... :)

  2. I am and I'm excited/scared/overwhelmed/all of the feelings!! I've NaNo-ed in the past; I can "win" 50K in thirty days, but as I've told you before, they won't be the best 50K...

    1. Ah, don't worry--first drafts are *supposed* to be horrible :)

    2. I know; all of mine totally are. But still my most favorite part of the book-writing process. I love it!

  3. I haven't done NANO either, and I agree, November is just about the worst month for it. I think one day I'll do my own first draft challenge when I can take a couple consecutive weeks off work, but I'm not even going to attempt NANO with kids and a full time job.

    Good luck with travels and family visits!

  4. I agree with you, Rachel--November is a terrible month to challenge yourself with writing 50K words! Makes me wonder if the guy who started it had (a) no spouse, (b) no kids, (c) no life, or (d) none of the above. That said, have fun with your friends, family, and vacation next month! : )

  5. Hi Rachel--I did NaNoWriMo two years ago, and that manuscript is still in a drawer. I agree that it's an insane month to do a contest. We should do it in June, where there is no holiday, right? But I write with a NaNoWriMo intensity whenever I'm not teaching (summers and between college semesters), so I've decided not to participate. I think we all have our own grooves, and for me, that groove is a steady, year-long one with short breaks in between.
